8 Braces Myths that Are Not True

August 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 12:17 pm
A teenage girl with braces smiling.

If you are about to embark on an orthodontic journey with a set of traditional wire-and-bracket braces, you may find yourself feeling a little concerned about internet rumors about them. Thankfully, while these myths may seem scary, they are nothing to worry about. Here are a few wild rumors about braces that simply are not true!

You will Set Off Metal Detectors

No, your braces will not trigger a metal detector at airport security, the mall, or anywhere else. That is not the type of metal that metal detectors are searching for. Plus, if they do set off alarms, you would be cleared once they realized what caused it in the first place.

Your Braces Will Rust

False. Your braces will not rust because they are made of titanium alloy, which does not rust. Even after years of use, they will remain safe and durable.

They Interfere with Radio Signals

This is kind of funny, but no, your braces won’t transmit radio signals (though that would be a great party trick!)

My Braces Will Get Caught if I Kiss Someone Else with Braces

While this has happened a few times on TV and in movies, it is Hollywood fiction in this day and age. That is because today’s braces are much more streamlined and compact, so the chance of this happening is very unlikely.

Braces Attract Fish

If this were true, many fishers would have very straight teeth! While it is true that some fish may be drawn to shiny objects, your braces will not glisten enough to act as bait!

They Will Increase Your Risk of Being Struck by Lightning

There is no evidence that your braces will increase your risk of being struck by lightning. This myth is false (but still be sure to practice lightning safety whether you have braces or not!)

Braces Will Permanently Straighten My Teeth

While braces will straighten your teeth, your results will need to be maintained with the help of a retainer once they come off. Be sure to follow your dentist’s instructions for proper braces aftercare for best results.

Braces Will Interrupt Electronic Signals

No, your braces will not cause interference with your Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular, or any other electronic signals, nor will they cause problems with airplane navigational systems!

Remember, there are a lot of rumors out there about braces, but the good news is that most of them aren’t true and were just started to scare you or entertain you. If you have any questions about the legitimacy of any braces myths, speak to your dentist for clarification. Chances are, there is nothing to worry about.

About Our Practice

At Waterford Dental Group we aim to provide stress-free care for patients of all ages. Whether you are here for an exam and cleaning, dental implants, or a set of new braces, we’ve got you covered, and we take insurance, too!

To schedule an orthodontic appointment with one of our skilled dentists, please visit our website today or call us at 925-803-5888.

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