Maybe you’ve heard people talking about store-bought teeth whitening products on social media, or maybe you picked up a tube of toothpaste that said “whitening” on it in a glittery font and thought, “This looks promising!”
Either way, you’re probably wondering whether these convenient solutions actually work. Are they miracle products that can solve all your dental staining woes, or are they simply a bust? Well, let’s just say you’ll probably want to stick to professional teeth whitening! Keep reading for three reasons why.
#1. They’re Simply Not Strong Enough
Over-the-counter teeth whitening products are often made from relatively cheap materials at low concentrations. This essentially means that if they do whiten your teeth to some degree, the results might not be as bright as you were hoping for.
Your dentist, on the other hand, can use stronger whitening agents that quickly and effectively eliminate stains. In just one visit, you’ll achieve the dazzling smile you were hoping for!
#2. Little-to-No Safety Measures
Perhaps the most concerning aspect of over-the-counter teeth whiteners is that they tend to wear down natural enamel. Additional ingredients in whitening toothpastes, mouthwashes, etc. are often highly abrasive. Over time or if used too frequently, these products can cause tooth sensitivity – and your teeth may or may not be whiter for it.
With your dentist at the helm, high-quality whitening agents that are much friendlier for enamel are administered in a controlled setting. Basically, their ingredients aren’t as rough, and they have the skills necessary to apply the agents safely.
#3. Results Are Unpredictable
If it seems that the store-bought whiteners work better on some people than others, that’s because this is more or less true, particularly with tray kits. These products are massed-produced and tend to be one-size-fits-all; as a result, the trays might not fit as snugly as they should for proper application of the whitening agents.
Naturally, your dentist will be able to ensure that your teeth receive the whitening exposure they need!
Home Remedies Are Also a Bust
Unfortunately, home-grown solutions like baking soda and activated charcoal aren’t much better than other store-bought whiteners. They’re typically just as if not more abrasive, and as of yet, there aren’t any studies that prove their effectiveness.
Professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, is FDA approved. These treatments have been found to be both safe and effective, so why not spend your hard-earned dollars on something you know will work? If eliminating dental stains is your goal, visit your dentist for a bright and dazzling smile!
About the Practice
At Waterford Dental Group, we have many skilled and experienced dentists on-staff who would love to get to know you and your smile. Our founders, Dr. Roger Chang and Dr. Thomas Wong, take special interest in cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as teeth whitening, and emphasize providing personalized, compassionate care for our patients. We’re happy to uphold that philosophy and help patients revitalize their teeth! To contact our office, call 925-803-5888.