My Front Teeth Are Missing! Will Dental Implants Help?

June 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 4:59 pm
Close up of woman sitting in dental chair while she and dentist point at her teeth

Every tooth in your dental line up is important, but losing one in the front can feel like twice the bother. You need those for biting into apples and corn on the cob, let alone saying “cheese!” for the camera!

You’re ready to replace your gaps with something more functional and aesthetically pleasing. Dental implants seem like a good option, but you’re not quite sure whether they’ll work for your situation. Don’t worry – just keep reading to discover the answer.


Should I Get Dental Veneers? 5 Reasons to Believe the Hype

June 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 3:36 pm
Close up of dentist holding set of dental veneers up to male patient’s smile

Dental veneers have been getting a lot of attention lately, but you know media hype doesn’t always equal product quality. Is this dental cosmetic treatment really all that it’s cracked up to be, or is it another flop popularized by the internet’s game of telephone?

Only you can judge whether dental veneers would be worth considering for your smile. But that doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from some input! Here are five reasons why dental veneers could hold up to your expectations.
