Waterford Dental Group Blog

My Dentures Look Great! How Can I Get Used to Eating with Them?

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 10:53 pm

Dentures have allowed countless patients to achieve complete and functional smiles after tooth loss, and these appliances have advanced significantly since George Washington wore false teeth made of ivory. Unlike primitive dental prosthetics, modern dentures are incredibly comfortable and can effectively chew a wide variety of foods to allow for a varied and nutritious diet. Here’s a brief guide to how you can more easily adapt to eating with dentures.


Why You Should Consult Your Dentist for Teeth Whitening

December 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 9:51 pm
Patient smiling while consulting her dentist

You’ve decided to get your teeth whitened, which is exciting! Many individuals would love to have a brighter smile, and you’ve made a big step towards getting it done. The next step, though, can also be a doozy. How should you go about doing that, exactly?

Over-the-counter whitening products might have you thinking the process is fairly simple, but there are several reasons to consult a qualified dentist before you do anything else! Keep reading to learn what they are.


Color Chaos: Why Does My Smile Look Gray?

November 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 4:09 pm
Woman in dental chair admiring her  cosmetic treatment results

One of the first things that people notice about you is the quality of your smile, and if your teeth are discolored, you might not make a great first impression. Although frequent or prolonged exposure to darkly tinted foods can leave them looking more brown or yellow, it’s also possible for them to take on a gray or bluish hue.

If you’re frustrated by graying teeth, continue reading to learn 3 reasons this happens and how your dentist can provide various cosmetic services to help!


3 Reasons Why OTC Whitening Products Are a Bust

October 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 9:29 pm
Close up of fancy-looking toothpaste on a bamboo toothbrush

Maybe you’ve heard people talking about store-bought teeth whitening products on social media, or maybe you picked up a tube of toothpaste that said “whitening” on it in a glittery font and thought, “This looks promising!”

Either way, you’re probably wondering whether these convenient solutions actually work. Are they miracle products that can solve all your dental staining woes, or are they simply a bust? Well, let’s just say you’ll probably want to stick to professional teeth whitening! Keep reading for three reasons why.


False Smiles Made Straight: Will Orthodontics with Dental Implants Work?

September 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 8:43 am
A picture highlighting a man’s front tooth dental implant

If you have any dental implants, you’re likely pretty fond of them. That wouldn’t be a surprise – these posts represent the gold standard of modern tooth replacement! Still, you may wonder if your implants make later orthodontic work impossible; it’s easy to see them as a potential interference. The good news is that your Dublin dentist is here to address that question. With that said, read on to learn whether orthodontics with dental implants can work.


8 Braces Myths that Are Not True

August 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 12:17 pm
A teenage girl with braces smiling.

If you are about to embark on an orthodontic journey with a set of traditional wire-and-bracket braces, you may find yourself feeling a little concerned about internet rumors about them. Thankfully, while these myths may seem scary, they are nothing to worry about. Here are a few wild rumors about braces that simply are not true!


After Teeth Whitening: Foods That Help Maintain Your Results

July 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 1:58 pm
a man with a bright smile enjoying breakfast

If you’re looking for a quick and effective way to enhance your smile, then professional teeth whitening may be the solution you’re looking for. While this dental cosmetic service is affordable and offers incredible results, you’ll want to remember that they won’t last forever. If you want to make the most of your brighter smile, you’ll want to consider ways to maintain your whitened teeth, including the things you consume. Keep reading to learn some of the foods and drinks that can help preserve the shade of your pearly whites.


My Front Teeth Are Missing! Will Dental Implants Help?

June 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 4:59 pm
Close up of woman sitting in dental chair while she and dentist point at her teeth

Every tooth in your dental line up is important, but losing one in the front can feel like twice the bother. You need those for biting into apples and corn on the cob, let alone saying “cheese!” for the camera!

You’re ready to replace your gaps with something more functional and aesthetically pleasing. Dental implants seem like a good option, but you’re not quite sure whether they’ll work for your situation. Don’t worry – just keep reading to discover the answer.


Should I Get Dental Veneers? 5 Reasons to Believe the Hype

June 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 3:36 pm
Close up of dentist holding set of dental veneers up to male patient’s smile

Dental veneers have been getting a lot of attention lately, but you know media hype doesn’t always equal product quality. Is this dental cosmetic treatment really all that it’s cracked up to be, or is it another flop popularized by the internet’s game of telephone?

Only you can judge whether dental veneers would be worth considering for your smile. But that doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from some input! Here are five reasons why dental veneers could hold up to your expectations.


How Do Dental Implants Preserve My Appearance?

April 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — waterforddg @ 3:36 pm
Dentist touching one hand to her jaw while holding a model dental implant in the other

A startling fact many people are unaware of is that when you lose teeth, your jawbone begins to deteriorate. Your body reabsorbs bone mass that’s no longer needed to support your smile, and in time, this can impact everything from your dental health to your facial structure. Fortunately, your dentist can rebuild your grin with dental implants to mitigate possible damage.

It’s natural to worry about how your appearance will be impacted if you’ve lost one or more pearly whites. Continue reading to learn about 3 changes that can occur and how dental implants can help!

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